Class: Phone


Represents the private class Phone.

<private> new Phone()

Creates a new instance of the private class Phone.

The private class Phone cannot be accessed directly. To get an instance of the Phone use the method ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone.
The singleton Phone object exposes public methods (listed below) that can be used for performing different call and conference related operations.
The Phone object fires events that can be subscribed to for taking appropriate action based on the fired event.




Accept the incoming call modification request.

Use this function to accept a call modification request for an ongoing call.
This method fires Phone#call:modification-in-progress initially and Phone#call:state-changed on success.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Add a second call when an active call exists.

Use this function to dial a second call. You may not use this method if there is not an existing active call.
This method will put the active call on hold (if not already on hold) and then try to dial the second call.
If the second call fails, the user is switched back to the first call.
If the second call connects and is hung-up at a later point, the user is then returned to the first call.
The first call will resume automatically when the second call ends or fails, unless the first call was put on hold explicitly (using the hold function).

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error codes

Name Type Description
options Object
Name Type Argument Description
destination String

The phone number (Dialing 11 digit phone numbers is required with the exception of special numbers like 911.) or user id of the called party (without 'sip:' or 'tel:').

localMedia HTMLVideoElement
remoteMedia HTMLVideoElement
mediaType String <optional>

audio or video. Default is video.

// Add a video call with an Mobile Number User
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  destination: '11231231234', //1800CALFEDX, 1 (123) 123-1234
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo'),
  mediaType: 'video'
// Add a video call with an Account ID User
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  destination: '',
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo')


Add participant to the conference

Use this function to add participant to the current conference.
There should be an established conference before addParticipant can be invoked.
Only a host side can invoke addParticipant.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

Name Type Description
participant String

id (Dialing 11 digit phone numbers is required with the exception of special numbers like 911.)

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Answer an incoming call

Once a Phone#call:incoming event is fired, this method can be used this method to answer the incoming call.
If there is an existing call in progress, this method can be used to answer the second incoming call by putting on hold or ending the existing call.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

Name Type Description
options Object
Name Type Argument Description
localVideo HTMLElement
remoteVideo HTMLElement
action String <optional>

Action to perform on the current call (end | hold).

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo')
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo'),
  action: 'hold' // or 'end'


Update E911 linked address id for the current user session

Use this function to update your E911 linked address id for the current user session.
The user has to be logged in before associateE911Id can be invoked.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  e911Id: e911AddressId


Cancel current call.

Use this function to cancel the call before other party answers it.
There should be an unestablished outgoing call before cancel can be called.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Code

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

cleanPhoneNumber(number) → {String}

Cleans a phone number.

A utility method used to convert alphanumeric characters to a valid phone number.
Note: Will ignore email formatted input

Error Codes

Name Type Description
number String

phone number

  • Converted number

  • false otherwise.

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
phone.cleanPhoneNumber('1800CALFEDE'); //18002253333


Dials an outgoing call

Use this function to dial a call to another user already logged. The call can be dialled out by providing the destination, call media type information and local and remote media resources.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

Name Type Description
options Object
Name Type Argument Description
destination String

The Phone Number (Dialing 11 digit phone numbers is required with the exception of special numbers like 911.) or User Id of the called party (without sip or tel URI)

localMedia HTMLVideoElement

HTML media element for local stream.

remoteMedia HTMLVideoElement

HTML media element for remote stream.

mediaType String <optional>

audio or video. Defaults to video.

// Start video call with an Mobile Number/Virtual Number User
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  destination: '11231231234', //1800CALFEDX, 1 (123) 123-1234
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo')
// Start video call with an Account ID User
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  destination: '',
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo'),
  mediaType: 'video'
// Start audio call with a special number
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  destination: '911', //411,611,*69,#89
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo'),
  mediaType: 'audio'


Downgrade the current video call to audio

Use this function to downgrade the current video call to an audio call.
This method fires Phone#call:modification-in-progress initially and Phone#call:state-changed when successful.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


End the current conference conference

Use this function to end an ongoing conference.
There should be an established conference before endConference can be invoked.
If a participant side invokes endConference he is ejected and the host is notified.
If the host side invokes endConference all the participants are disconnected and the conference is closed.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

formatNumber(number) → {String}

Formats a phone number.

A utility method used to to format a valid 10 digit phone number.

Error Codes

Name Type Description
number String

phone number


Formatted phone number

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
phone.formatNumber('9234567890'); // 1 (923) 456-7890

getCallerInfo(callerUri) → {Object}

Parses the event.from value to return caller info

A utility method used to parse the information in the event.from property and return the information like callerId, protocol, domain, port and other associated information.

Error Codes

Name Type Description
callerUri String

caller uri represented by event.from property


Caller info like protocol, callerId, domain, port etc

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

getCalls() → {Array}

Gets a list of calls/conferences.

Gets a list of calls/conferences currently in progress (foreground or background)


Array of objects representing current calls/conferences. e.g.

[{ index: 0, breed: 'call', type: 'Outgoing' state: 'connected' peer: '' }]

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
var calls = phone.getCalls();

getIceServers() → {String}

Gets the list of ICE servers from the current peer connection configuration.

Use this function to get the current ICE servers that the SDK uses for creating peer connections.


List of ICE servers. e.g. [{ 'url': 'STUN:12.45.15.xx' }]

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

getIceTransport() → {String}

Gets the ICE transport value from the current peer connection configuration

Use this function to get the current ICE transport value that the SDK uses for creating peer connections.


ICE transport. e.g. all, none or relay

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

getIpv6() → {Boolean}

Gets the ipv6 value from the current peer connection configuration

Use this function to get the ipv6 value that the SDK uses for creating peer connections.


IPv6. e.g. true or false

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

getMediaType() → {String}

Get the media type of the current call or conference.

Use this function to get the media type of the ongoing call.


audio or video. Null if no current call.

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Get a list participants of the current conference

Use this function to get a list of participants active in the current conference.
There should be an established conference before getParticipants can be invoked.
Only a host side can invoke getParticipants.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

getVersion() → {string}

Returns the version of the AT&T Enhanced WebRTC SDK

Use this method to get the version of the SDK


Version e.g. 1.0.0

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Hangup an existing call

Use this function to hangup the current call. The other party will be disconnected.
There should be an existing established call before hangup can be called.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Put the current call or conference on hold

Use this function to put the other party(ies) on hold.
The other party(ies) will no longer get the media (audio and video).
There should be an existing established call or conference before hold can be called.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

isCallInProgress() → {Boolean}

Checks if there is a call on conference in progress

Returns true if there is a call or conference in progress.

  • Yes

true if there is an active call, false otherwise.

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Join a conference by accepting an incoming invite.

Use this method on participant side for joining an incoming conference.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

Name Type Description
options Object
Name Type Argument Description
localMedia HTMLElement
remoteMedia HTMLElement
action String <optional>

Action to perform on the current call (end | hold).

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo')
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo'),
  action: 'hold' // or 'end'


Creates a Enhanced WebRTC Session.

Use this function to establish Enhanced WebRTC session so that the user can place Enhanced WebRTC calls.
The service parameter indicates the desired service such as audio or video call.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

Name Type Description
options Object
Name Type Argument Description
token String

OAuth Access Token.

userId String <optional>

User Id. Optional parameter for Mobile users. Required for Account ID users and Virtual Number users

e911Id String <optional>

E911 Id. Optional parameter for Account ID users. Required for Mobile Number and Virtual Number users

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  token: token,
  e911Id: e911Id,
  userId: userId


Deletes the current Enhanced WebRTC Session

Use this function to log out from Enhanced WebRTC session. As a result, enhanced WebRTC session will get deleted and event channel polling will be stopped.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Move the current call to a different endpoint/device.

Use this function to move the current call to another client.
The current user should be logged in to at least two different sessions before a call can be moved.
There should be an established call before move can be invoked.
All endpoints(devices) with sessions for the current user will start to ring.
The user can choose to answer on any of the other endpoints(devices).

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Mute the current call or conference.

Use this function to mute the local audio for current call or conference.
The other party(ies) will no longer receive any audio. Video (if available) will continue to be received.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

on(event, handler)

Subscribe to event on Phone.

Method to subscribe to events fired by Phone object.

Name Type Description
event String

Event name

handler function

Event handler

Event 'event_name' not defined
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
phone.on('session:ready', function (data) {
   // ... do something


Reject current incoming call.

Use this method to reject an incoming call.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Reject an incoming conference invite

Use this method to reject an incoming conference invite.
There should be an existing un-accepted conference before rejectConference can be called.
Only the participant side can invoke rejectConference.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Rejects the incoming media modification (Upgrade/Downgrade) request.

You can use this method after you have received the Phone#call:media-modification event which indicates an incoming media modification request.

Rejecting an upgrade request when in an audio call means only the other peer will start sending her video. The peer that rejected will keep sending only his audio.

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Remove a participant from the current conference

Use this function to remove a participant from the current conference.
There should be an established conference before removeParticipant can be invoked.
Only a host side can invoke removeParticipant.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Resets the ICE servers on the peer connection configuration to the defaults that SDK defines

Use this method to reset the list of ICE servers to the default list for peer connection configuration.

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Resets the ICE transport on the peer connection configuration to the default that SDK defines

Use this method to reset the ICE transport value to the value for peer connection configuration.

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Resets the ipv6 value on the peer connection configuration to the default that SDK defines

Use this method to reset the ipv6 to the default value for peer connection configuration.

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Resume the current call or conference

Use this function to resume the call or conference that was put on hold previously.
The other party(ies) will start receiving the media (audio and video).
There should be an existing established call or conference on hold before resume can be invoked.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Sends a DTMF signal through the audio steam.

You can use this method to send a DTMF signal through the audio stream after you have established a call.

Error Codes

Name Type Description
options object
Name Type Description
input String

the character that needs to be sent as a tone.

[gap] int

the intertone gap (in ms greater then 50).

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
phone.sendDTMFTone({input: '2', gap : 5});


Sets the ICE servers for the peer connection configuration

Use this method to set the list of ICE server that the SDK uses for creating peer connections.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

Name Type Description
iceServers Array

The array of url with valid IP

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
phone.setIceServers([{ 'url': 'STUN:12.19.19.xx' }]);


Sets the ICE transport for the peer connection configuration

Use this method to set the ICE transport that the SDK uses for creating peer connections.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

Name Type Description
iceTransport String

The valid iceTransport value ('none','all' or 'relay')

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Sets the ipv6 value for the peer connection configuration

Use this method to set the ipv6 value that the SDK uses for creating peer connections.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

Name Type Description
ipv6 Boolean

The valid Boolean value (true or false)

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Starts a conference with host and no participants.

Use this method to start a conference. The host can invite other users to the conference by adding the participant(s). Participant(s) can accept or reject an invite.
Only a host can remove a participant from the conference and end the conference.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

Name Type Description
options Object
Name Type Argument Description
localMedia HTMLVideoElement

The host's video element

remoteMedia HTMLVideoElement

The conference participant's video element

mediaType String <optional>

video or audio. Defaults to video.

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo'),
  mediaType: 'audio'
var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();
  localMedia: document.getElementById('localVideo'),
  remoteMedia: document.getElementById('remoteVideo')


Switches the active call or conference with the one in the background.

Use this function to switch between an active call or conference and a background call or conference.

Pre-conditions There should be at least two established calls before switchCall can be invoked.

Post-conditions If the call that's being brought to the foreground was put on hold by calling Phone#hold then the call will be kept on hold; otherwise the call will be resumed automatically.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Transfer an established call to a third party

Use this function to transfer an established call between a transferee and a transferrer to the transfer-target.
There should be an established call that is on hold.
There should be a second established call with transfer target.
transfer will transfer the other party of the first call to the other party of the second call and drop the current user from the call.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Unmute the current call or conference

Use this function to unmute the local media for current call or conference.
The other party(ies) will start receiving audio.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();


Upgrade the current audio call to video

Use this function to upgrade the current audio call to a video call.
This method fires Phone#call:modification-in-progress initially and Phone#call:state-changed when successful.

This method can fire Phone#event:error that can have these error codes:

Error Codes

var phone = ATT.rtc.Phone.getPhone();

<inner> associateAccessToken()

  • since version 1.0.6 . Use login method



Call canceled event fires when an outgoing call is canceled successfully or when an incoming call is canceled by the calling party

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished incoming or outgoing call in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array <optional>

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call connected event fires when an outgoing or incoming call is connected to the other party.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished outgoing or incoming call in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired after Phone#call:connecting has been fired.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array <optional>

The CODECs associated with the call.

downgrade Boolean <optional>

If the video call was accepted as audio by the other party.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call connecting event fires when an outgoing or incoming call is trying to connect to the other party.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished outgoing or incoming call in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array <optional>

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call disconnected event fires when a call has been disconnected by the other party or by the API

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an existing call in progress in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party for incoming calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party for outgoing calls.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call disconnecting event fires immediately after user tries to hangup a call

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established call in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired in response to a successful call to hangup method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call or conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call or conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call held event fires when the user puts an active call on hold

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established outgoing or incoming call in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired in response to a successful call to hold method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call incoming event fires when a there is an incoming call

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

from String

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the incoming call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the incoming call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call media-modification event gets triggered when user needs to perform an action for the incoming media modification

The user is in a call and gets a media modification request.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The existing media type of the call (audio/video).

newMediaType String

The requested media type for the call modification (audio/video).

codec Array <optional>

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Transitional event to indicate that a call modification (Upgrade/Downgrade) is taking place.

This event fires in different scenarios:

  • After successfully initiating a call modification but before the modification is complete.
  • After successfully accepting or rejecting a call modification but before the modification is complete.

The event handler contains the code to execute when the modification-in-progress event is received by this Phone.


// using a named function
phone.on('call:modification-in-progress', handler);

// using an anonymous function
phone.on('call:modification-in-progress', function (data) { ... });


  • handler is the name of the user-defined function, or an anonymous declaration
  • data contains information about the event, it has the following structure:
  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call moved event fires when a user wants to move the ongoing call to another browser or a mobile device where the user is logged in.

The user has to be logged in on atleast two devices or browsers to be able to receive this event.
There should be a established outgoing or incoming call and move method should be invoked in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array <optional>

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call muted event fires when the media is successfully muted.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established call or conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired in response to a successful call to mute method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party (for an outgoing call).

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party or conference initiator.

mediaType String

The media type of the call or conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call or conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call rejected event fires when an outgoing call is rejected by the called party or when an incoming call is rejected by the user successfully

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished incoming or outgoing call in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array <optional>

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call resumed event fires when the user resumes a call which was previously put on hold

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established outgoing or incoming call in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired in response to a successful call to resume method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call ringback provided event fires when early media starts streaming for an outgoing call.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished outgoing call in order to be able to receive this event.
The called party should be able to provide early media or ringback.
The early media or ringback starts playing automatically when this event is fired.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
timestamp Date

Event fire time.


State Changed event fires when an media modification request was successfully accepted.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an existing call in progress in order to be able to receive this event.
The user should have initiated and accepted media modification request.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array <optional>

The CODECs associated with the call.

operation String <optional>

Operation that generated the event.

generator String <optional>

The the side(initiator/receiver) that generated the event.

oldState String

The previous state of the call.

newState String

The new state of the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call transferred event fires when a call has been transferred by the transferrer party

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be at least two calls in progress in order to be able to receive this event.
The user has to initiate transfer to be able to receive this event.
The call should be transferred successfully to be to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party for incoming calls.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call transferring event fires when a call is being transferred by the transferrer party

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be at least two calls in progress in order to be able to receive this event.
The user has to initiate transfer to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party for incoming calls.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call unmuted event fires when the media is successfully unmuted.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established call or conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired in response to a successful call to unmute method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party (for an outgoing call).

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party or conference initiator.

mediaType String

The media type of the call or conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call or conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference canceled fires when a conference is canceled before it starts

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is mainly fired participant side in response to a canceled conference.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

from String <optional>

The phone number/user id of the conference initiator for participant side

participants Object <optional>

The participants list for host side

invitations Object <optional>

The invitations list for host side.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference connected fires when a conference started by a host has connected

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished conference started by the user in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference connecting fires when a participant tries to connect to a conference

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired participant-side in response to a successful call to joinConference method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

from Object

The conference initiator

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference disconnecting event fires when a conference is in the process of disconnecting.

This event fires immediately when the user invokes endConference.
There should be an existing conference in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

from String <optional>

The phone number/user id of the conference initiator for participant side

participants Object <optional>

The participants list for host side

invitations Object <optional>

The invitations list for host side.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio or video).

codec String

The codec used by the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference ended fires when a conference has ended

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established in conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is mainly fired host-side or participant side in response to a successful call to endConference method.
This event can also be fired if the conference ends due to some unexpected reason.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

from String <optional>

The phone number/user id of the conference initiator for participant side

participants Object <optional>

The participants list for host side

invitations Object <optional>

The invitations list for host side.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference held fires when a conference has been put on hold

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired in response to a successful call to hold method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

invitations Object <optional>

The invitations list.

participants Object <optional>

The current participants list.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference invitation-accepted fires when an invitation has been accepted

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired host-side when an invitation has been accepted by the participant.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

invitations Object <optional>

The invitations list.

participants Object <optional>

The current participants list.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference invitation received event fires when a there is an incoming conference invite

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

from String

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the incoming call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the incoming call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference invitation-rejected fires when an invitation has been rejected

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired host-side when an invitation has been rejected by the participant.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

invitations Object <optional>

The invitations list.

participants Object <optional>

The current participants list.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference invitation-sending fires when an invitation is being sent

This event fires immediately when the host invokes addParticipant.
There should be an existing conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired host-side in response to a successful call to the addParticipant method.
This event is followed by Phone#conference:invitation-sent

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • object
Name Type Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

invitee Object

The invitee.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference invitation-sent fires when an invitation has been successfully sent by the host

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired host-side in response to a successful call to addParticipant(s) method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

invitations Object <optional>

The invitations list.

participants Object <optional>

The current participants list.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference joining fires immediately after a participant joins a conference

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an incoming conference invitation in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired participant-side in response to a successful call to joinConference method.
This event is followed by Phone#conference:connecting.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

from Object

The conference initiator

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference participant-removed fires when a host successfully removes a participant

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established conference in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired host-side in response to a successful call to removeParticipant method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

invitations Object <optional>

The invitations list.

participants Object <optional>

The current participants list.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Conference resumed fires when a conference has been resumed

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established conference which was previously put on hold by the user in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired in response to a successful call to resume method.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the conference in the list of existing conferences.

invitations Object <optional>

The invitations list.

participants Object <optional>

The current participants list.

mediaType String

The media type of the conference (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the conference.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


connectivity:on event gets fired when the network goes from online to offline

The User have to register this event before login.


connectivity:on event gets fired when the network goes from offline to online

The User have to register this event before login.


Tone sending event gets fired when DTMF tone request was successful.

The event is fired if the tone is inserted into the audio stream.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Tone sent event gets fired when the tone is sent successfully.

The event is fired when the tone is passed into the audio stream successfully.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
tone String

The tone which was inserted successfully.

index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Timestamp when the tone was inserted into stream.


Address updated event fires after successfully updating the e911 linked address id

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.


Answering event fires immediately after `answer` for an incoming call.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished incoming call in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is followed by Phone#call:connecting event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

from String

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Dialing event fires immediately after `dial` for an outgoing call.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an unestablished outgoing call in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is followed by Phone#call:connecting event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String

The phone number/id of the called party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Error event fires if there is an invalid behavior reported by the `Phone` object

The error event can be fired by the Phone for different reasons:

  • API Error - is an error at the platform (RESTful API) level. This may be due to invalid parameters send in an HTTP request or a request being send while in an inconsistent state.

  • SDK Error - is an error most likely due to an inconsistent state in the client JavaScript library at the browser level.

Sometimes different errors can be caused by the same underlying problem in which case a common error code is used.

A list of API error codes is here ATT.private.errorStore.APIErrors

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
JSObject String

JavaScript object associated with the error

JSMethod String

JavaScript method associated with the error

ErrorCode String

Error code associated with the error

ErrorMessage String

Message associated with the error

Cause String

Possible causes

Resolution String

Possible resolution

APIError String <optional>

API error associated with the error

ResourceMethod String <optional>

Resource method associated with the error

HttpStatusCode String <optional>

HTTP status code associated with the error

MessageId String <optional>

API message id associated with the error

AdditionalInformation String <optional>

Additional information associated with the error

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Notification event fires when the SDK is unable to support a behavior that is not an error

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
message String

A message for the notification.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

mediaType String <optional>

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array <optional>

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Warning event fires during certain scenarios, such as muting a call that's already muted.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an established call or conference in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

message String

A message for the warning.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

mediaType String <optional>

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array <optional>

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Gateway Unreachable event fires when the client cannot connect to gateway.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired when we get '502' or 503 with 'Cannot reach the Gateway'.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
sessionId String <optional>

The session ID associated.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Media established event fires when audio/video media has started for a call.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There should be an connected incoming or outgoing call in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired after Phone#call:connected has been fired.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
index Number

The ordinal numbering of the call in the list of existing calls.

to String <optional>

The phone number/id of the called party.

from String <optional>

The phone number/id of the calling party.

mediaType String

The media type of the call (audio/video).

codec Array

The CODECs associated with the call.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Call switched event fires when the calls are switched

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
There needs to be two calls in context in order to be able to receive this event.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
from String

The phone number/id of the peer of the call switched from.

to String

The phone number/id of the peer of the call switched to.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Session disconnected event fires when the session was successfully disconnected.

The event is fired if the user logs out successfully and the enhanced webrtc session is deleted successfully. User can no longer make or receive calls.


Session Expired event fires when session expires in the backend.

The user has to be logged in order to be able to receive this event.
This event is fired when we get '404' with 'Session id not found' or 'The requested session resource was not found'.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Argument Description
sessionId String <optional>

The session ID which got expired.

timestamp Date

Event fire time.


Session ready event fires when the user is successfully logged in and the SDK is initialized and ready to make, receive calls

The event is fired if the user logs in successfully and an enhanced webrtc session is created successfully.

The event is fired with an attached event data of the following format:

  • Object
Name Type Description
sessionId String

The id associated with the enhanced webrtc session.